Thursday, October 8, 2009

Prognosis: Negative

So, I ordered ovulation test strips online after the miscarriage- I am bound and determind not to "waste any time" and after reading and reading and reading about how "hard" it is to actually get pregnant- even though both times it happened our first "try" (or month of trying). With those test strips I opted to add some pregnancy tests, because let's face it, those puppies are NOT cheap...
When I went for my 2 week check up on Monday my Dr. told me that if I did a pregnancy test it would turn up positive because of hcG hormone still being in my body- I asked for one at the office because let's face it, those puppies aren't cheap ;) So when she said that.. I felt silly and stupid for peeing on ovulation sticks thinking my body my release an egg soon- but tonight, on a whim, while reading the instructions for all my new pee sticks, which I already know how to work- I tested.. and it came out negative. Only one pink line...
Now, this should make me happy- there are no "products of conception" left tricking my body into thinking it's pregnant still- I will most likely get a period (at some freaking point) and then ovulate etc. and we can do it- make the something- make a baby... but for some reason that one pink line made me cry. I don't know why- I can't explain it.. because this is a case where negative is good; it means my body is moving on etc.. I have been feeling better, able to function and not cry every 4 minutes.. but still.. that one pink line really fucked with me.
I am a patient person- when it comes to almost everyone else- sometimes with Ab I do need a few sips of coffee before I'm able to entertain the 2 year old whinies- but for the most part I can wait, and reinstruct and redirect all day if I have to- but when it comes to being patient with myself-- I find it nearly impossible. It's funny- I have NO control over when those hormones enter or leave my body- yet I can't wait for them to get here- or in the case of PMS I can't wait for them to leave. Funny isn't it? Control freak much- so much for that whole "letting go" thing hey??
Anyway, I will continue to test for ovulation- as with the various dr's statistics on miscarriage and loss- there are numerous suggestions for when a woman should ovulate after a d&c- the majority of my sources seem to say around 2-3 weeks- well.. we are at 2.5 weeks.. so I'm ready for either a surge and some hot baby makin' sex.. or a period and some chocolate. Just give me something to move past that one pink line.


jenn said...

whoohoo! be gone ye sole pink line ~ cheering from the sidelines for the double lined ray o sunshine! and i agree, those tests can be $$$ - in case you (or someone you know) needs more, here's a site that is awesome and they're out of north van www[dot]saveontests[dot]com



Anonymous said...

I got pregnant with Tobin on the first ovulation after my miscarriage. Pretty sweet. I didn't have to get a D&C though, you poor thing, I got lucky there. Anyways, you're back on track again, back in the saddle, back in black (no more red) and ready to roll.

I'm sitting with the crowd cheering you on too. Life calms down at some point though, right?
