Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Key

I am standing at this giant padlock.. shaking the shit out of it and wondering where on earth the key is- where or what is the key to "having it all" I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who doesn't have time to sit and just "sit". I may dwell on that loss more than others do- but I think in part it's because I don't have the key. I don't have the answer.. I don't have the "secret" (that weird show everyone was talking about a few years ago). A sure fire way to know that I'm depressed is when I turn down a drink- I'm no alcoholic- but I am a social drinker... I sometimes use getting boozey as a crutch in awkward (known to normal people as perfectly "normal") social situations- it loosens me up a little- my jaw so tight with stress I can barely breathe- it loosens those bones so I'm able to talk- let the jaw flap a little if you will- it helps me forget that I'm wearing a tshirt covered in this morning's oatmeal or that I haven't plucked my eyebrows since being a bridesmaid in my friends' wedding (in August). It makes me think that my little stories about Abby or work (the two main things happening in my life) are interesting to everyone else (not just me). Tonight... I turned down a drink... In part I had to drive home, so that my husband could go out with his friends- and also- because I know I'm so on the brink of something ugly- that one cold, smooth, delicious beer could loosen my jaw just enough for me to "flap away" about something ridiculous... I think one single drink would have turned me into that 17 year old girl who broke into her parents' liquor cabinet and made a nasty shit mix, drank it all, and is so drunk she starts to cry about being so drunk- because she's lost control... I am losing control.. no, correction, I've lost it over the thing that matters most to me right now- well.. not most.. but it's on the list of my top three. Tonight was awkward for me... and likely for everyone else who I talked with. I'm very open with my feelings... and it makes people uncomfortable- it drives them away from me. I have no one but myself to blame for the awkwardness. I finally did make that acupuncture appointment.. I have a good feeling about it as the woman I spoke with listened patiently to my ignorance around acupuncture- and she also calmly took in my life story in less than two minutes- I think I swore 5 or 6 times (do hippies swear?? was that bad??) and confessed all of the reasons I want to try it.. I am excited- if nothing else, if it doesn't work- it will be a time for me to lay still and do nothing- for the small fee of $20-$40. Lying still- I don't even do it at night- you know I woke up this morning drenched, DRENCHED, in sweat. I know I'm moving around, flopping back and forth.. even when I'm resting I'm not resting- I think those needles will make me lay still.. and hopefully feel something positive. Today I cried a little here and there- it was hard because I was at work.. and had to be sneaky- I worked until 12am Friday night (sat. am) and then was back at 8am Saturday morning- so I missed over 24 hours with my Abby- I missed her. I missed her even more when I found out another friend of mine is pregnant (a big congrats) but it still made me sad for some reason- and another friend of mine had her baby girl 3 weeks early (another big congrats)- but other people's happiness just made me feel worse- I don't want to be "that" person... I am right now and it fucking sucks.. of course I want my friends to be happy, more than anything.. but I just want to be happy too. I am 100% convinced something is wrong with my body- whether that is crazy or not I don't know.. I'm sure you're thinking, if you've even bothered to take the time to read one of my pity party notices, that it's crazy. It's been 2 cycles- technically only one regular cycle since the d&c... nothing is wrong this is normal.. but I am very in tune (and always have been) with my body. I know what feels normal and what feels off. Cramping all month isn't normal for me.. Extreme pain during my period isn't normal for me... the heavy bleeding.. none of that is normal.. the extreme extreme teariness- not normal.. I know this month is different then all of those non-trying months- and I know I'm worn thin from not accepting that I lost a baby and I need to move on- but I don't feel normal... Normally I'm strong- I can focus- I can laugh through anything... these days I feel weak, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I can't focus on anything- I can't remember.. I'm accepting things I shouldn't (like not finding a job that gives me benefits and sick time) and not accepting things I can't control (like losing a baby and not getting pregnant). If you are a Seinfeld fan I could coin myself, "bizzaro Amy" and you would know what I mean.. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve, so to speak, but I've never not been able to shake it- or deal with it.. sure the post partum depression was a challenge, but I moved through that.. out of PPD and into life... I've been working a lot lately- and I really do enjoy my job(s)- but both of them are giving.. giving giving- which I know is what one does at a job (duH) but along with work I give to my Abby and my husband.. my little date with the POKE people is the highlight of my week next week.. that is what I'm going to give myself..